55th session of UNCITRAL
(New York,
27 June-15 July 2022)
Recent activities to support
the use and adoption of UNCITRAL texts in the area of insolvency law
Mirela Năstasie
Retired judge, Bucharest Tribunal, Romania
I feel very privileged and honoured to be given this opportunity to
address the 55th Session of UNCITRAL on this
Panel.In this address, I would like to share my views as a European civil law
judge specialised in insolvency law on some of the
difficulties for judicial activity and cross-border cooperation. I will go on
to acknowledge the important role of UNCITRAL
training programs andmechanisms as main drivers for a more
international view in insolvency matters. Finally, I will express my thoughts
on some prospects for the future.
I begin with a
fundamental observation: full harmonisation of
insolvency law, unification or even approximation does not seem a real
possibility. Such unity of vision to be achieved requires significant amount of ideological and practical
compromise and substantive legal convergence, difficult to obtainbecause national legal systems and the domestic policies are far too
In the context of the
international evolution towards a functional jurisdiction, the essential
aspects of the judicial system are the specialisation of judges, speed and
fairness of judgements, predictable application of substantive and procedural
law, part of the general trend
towards internationalisation of the judiciary.Businesses are
becoming globally interconnected. This present-day reality brings to judges new
perspectives, major challenges.
I do not believe there are real boundaries between the
judiciary in civil law systems and common law jurisdictions in the insolvency
field. Therefore, effective cooperation is not only necessary, but also
possible, and judges should act creatively to develop it. In my PhD research on cooperation, communication in
cross-border insolvency cases, one of the questions was how to
promoteUNCITRAL soft law instruments in a practical way, taking into
consideration the specificity of national legal systems and practices.
2. First, “UNCITRAL-World
Bank Group Judicial Capacity-Building Initiative on International Best
Practices”, 2021, is a relevant
project for members of the judiciary around the world. Judicial training is essential for developing
expertise for complex and international cases. At the same time, judges should
meet with their counterparts in other jurisdictions, whenever possible, to
exchange professional experience and practical insights.
These skills are developed within the UNCITRAL judicial
trainingprogramme. The plenary session, through the topics established for
debates, focuses on solutions useful in daily
judicial activity. The other two sections, “Discussion among participating judges based
on a case study” and “Discussion in plenary among all participants
– exchange of experience” –provides
an excellent opportunity to heighten international communication and cooperation
among participants.
As a civil
law judge with the experience of more than forty international judicial
training programs, I can say that this project is special because it brings
together and enables communication between
judges from common law and civil law systems, allowing them to share experience
about national legislation, procedural acts, practical
difficulties, as a basis for future collaboration. Judges can get to know each
other.In this respect the program can be a mechanism for creating an online
international platform for direct judicial communication, developing a network
of judges specialised in insolvency matters.
3. Secondly, the first edition of the Digest of Case Law on the UNCITRAL
Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, 2021, and the Judicial Perspective
updated this year promote uniformity in the application of the MLCBI. As
such, they may be helpful in particular to judges from civil law
jurisdictions who for various reasons might have had limited exposure to
complex cross-border insolvency cases. In the absence of domestic cases and
guidelines, civil law courts may look for assistance in the practice of foreign
courts. The Digest and the Judicial Perspective are important sources of
information for their judicial activity.
Both publications build on the MLCBI-related case law
collected in the Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT) assist judges by making
available decisions of courts and arbitral tribunals interpreting UNCITRAL
texts. While the Digest systematizes that case law per article of MLCBI, the
Judicial Perspective takes a more practical approach. What does pragmatism mean
for the judiciary? I am thinking of a judge who considers each case on its
individuality, who is flexible and creative in managing insolvency cases and
judicial decisions.
On the other hand, the judiciary’s role is not limited
to the adjudication of pending litigations. In appropriate circumstances – such
as where the meaning and effect of existing laws are unclear, or laws are in
conflict – it may be open to the judiciary to act as lawmakers. In this
respect, judges may find authority in UNCITRAL model laws and judicial guidance
materials that reflect international best practice.
5. Prospects
for the future
In practice, bringing the
UNCITRAL texts in everyday judicial work is a difficult task, as they are not
translated into the languages of different states.Thisis an area where UNCITRAL assistance is particularly needed.I
believe that the UNCITRAL Model Laws and Implementation Guides should be translated
in national languagesin different jurisdictions, accessible online for all
interested parties, practitioners, judges.As far as the European Union is
concerned, I believe that is possible in collaboration with the European
Commission to translate at least some of the UNCITRAL texts and make them
available to the public in the EU Member States. In this way, they can be
promoted more easily through the national authorities, as, in the case of Romanian
judges, the Ministry of Justice or National Institute of Magistracy. This
process may be, also, a further step for European legislators to consider
the possibility of harmonizing UNCITRAL proposals with the Regulation (EU) 2015/848 on insolvency proceedings.
Let me conclude
with the observation that UNCITRAL’s activities are essential for judicial work
in insolvency law worldwide, encouraging judges to engage and to actively build
a culture of trust and predictability for insolvency law.
I convey my respect and best wishes to each of you.
To see more about the event: https://uncitral.un.org/mlcbi25?fbclid=IwAR3hxNfIgtgexea4pnMuyxyzvCHWQoMr1nqOBHFITjcqNrKFP1Bd6rvY8Rs